117th Entry, RAF Halton
Comment page.
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you to tell you that Hugh Liggett died a week ago (13 Sep 2005). I do not know the cause of his death but Hugh had been fighting the big C since last year and only the previous week, I enquired after his health with a mutual friend and was told that his cancer was in remission. Hugh was on holiday with his wife in Hungary when he died. It is not confirmed but it is likely that the funeral will be on Monday 26th at Horsham St Faiths Church.
If my memory is correct, Hugh, Charles Gregor Morrison, Dave Sutherland, Pete Williams and myself were the guys that made up the Church of Scotland & Free Churches party when management made us go to church on Saturday mornings.
Taff McMillan - Wednesday 21 September 2005
Bob Hi,Thanks for the e-mail with the update.
I was back at Halton in March-for the first time in 32 years-to return a Spitfire to airworthiness so that it could be flown to Duxford where we can sort it properly.The actual airfield is very rundown although Halton Flying club operates there,it was quite sad to see-having enjoyed'airfields'.There have been a lot of extra buildings built but still the old wooden classrooms at Kermode are still there.
I might make Halton this year-the last few summers I've been away on the display circuit with the old warbirds so haven't had much opportunity to do retro things.
Some of the names ring a bell.I hope only being a 117 six monther still qualifies me-breaking my leg skiing whilst with 116 in many ways set me up for my 22 years.when the postings came for 116 I was posted to Honington -would have had a boring time on Buccs,as it turned out on leaving 117 was posted to Wittering on Harriers and never looked back.
Cheers Hugh Jones - Monday 03 May 2004
The site is looking good. Hi there all 117's, get in contact, we young ex-brats can get nostalgic together. It has been good to 'talk' to some of my friends from so many years ago. Keep up the good work Bob. Lets have some more e-mail addresses all you 117's.
Trevor Sampson
Auckland, New Zealand - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 08:14:40 (EDT)
Just surfing through and found your site. Liked it and thought I'd drop a note. I'll be back! - God bless the US and British troops. Sam @ Primus Stoves
Primus Stoves <sam@nospam.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 02:20:24 (EST)
I have just caught sight of the web site. Nice to see some of the old names from 117 - I am trying to put faces to names! I have recently returned to the UK after a period in Pisa, Italy as the Rolls-Royce Rep to the Italian Air Force, easing the entry into service of the C130J Hercules.
Brian Johnson
Southam, Warks, UK - Monday, February 17, 2003 at 09:38:54 (EST)
Just found the web site, I hope it takes off.
John Harness
UK - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 17:05:39 (EST)
Okay, I will start it off.. How come I was the ONLY 117th at the last Halton Reunion (sept 2001). Even the 116th had THREE attendees... The next one will probably be in Sept 2004. Feel free to leave a comment.
Mississauga, Canada - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 22:37:15 (EST)