Of course, use at your own risk. Change the variables, watch for line wraping and be productive...

Some are Unix Scripts and some are PROGRESS programs. If you can't tell the difference you are in the wrong page.

# dfchk Check current df against a base (in /u1/bin) bob Sept 30 98

# create a new df


# to regenerate the 'base (original) run the command

# df -k | awk '{print $5, "|", $6}' > /tmp/origdf

# *** be careful about using the /tmp directory for stuff that is not temporary....

# Mabe put it somewhere else.


df -k | awk '{print $5, "|", $6}' > /tmp/newdf

echo "Org Now Incr. File System" pr -mts"|" /tmp/origdf /tmp/newdf | grep -v capacity | awk -F"|" '{printf "%4s %4s %3s %s\n", $1, $3, substr($3,1,2) - substr($1,1,2), $4}'


/* ut/logchk bob Aug 1998 */

unix tail -500r liveappl.lg|pg -p"USE KEYS Enter - + or q_".


/* ut/syschk bob Aug 1998 */

unix silent proutil liveappl -C busy > /tmp/schktmp.

unix silent proutil livemenu -C busy >> /tmp/schktmp.

unix cat /tmp/schktmp | grep live; who -b; nwho; df -k /usr2 .


This one will count the users - I call it "nwho". try it...

# summary of Unix users

who | cut -c1-8 | grep -v "users=" | sort | \

uniq -c | sort -r | pr -5 -t -a ;

echo "

Total User Lines: `who | wc -l `

Users: `who | cut -c1-8 | \

grep -v "users" | sort | uniq | wc -l ` "

This one I call "nwhop", 'caus it counts the Progress processes...

# Progress User count

echo " Progress (database) Process owners


ps -ef | cut -c1-8,49- | grep progres | grep -v grep | \

cut -c1-8 |sort | uniq -c | sort -r | pr -5 -t -a ; echo "

Total User Lines: `who | wc -l `

DB (Progress) Proceses: `ps -ef | grep progres | grep -v grep | wc -l`


A couple of scripts to find a program...


# fpf search for a [partial] file

# syntax fpf <filenam> [subdir]


for dir in ` echo $d | tr ":" " " `


echo " Searching $dir..."

find $dir/$2 -name "$1" -type f -exec ls -l {} \;| cut -c34-110


and to search for a particular string ...


# fpstring find a string on a path (usually PROPATH) bob summer 1998

# syntax fpstring <findtext> [subdir]

# the subdir is optional, but if you only want to search the "op" then

# use that.

# if there is a space in the findtext then quote - std grep stuff

# Example: to find the programs that have "screenb" in the "op" then

# fpstring screenb op

# You may want to hardcode the "d" variable



for dir in ` echo $d | tr ":" " " `


echo " Searching $dir..."

for fil in `find $dir/$2 -exec fgrep -li "$1" {} \;`


echo " ** Found in ------- $fil"

fgrep -i "$1" $fil



This one gives a well (I think) formated data dictionary

But first run this against the database:

proutil livedatabase -C tabanalys > /tmp/rc-cnt.

That gives a record count (in /tmp/rc-cnt), which I integrate into the output.

/* File, field and index review bob Feb 95 */

def stream qw .

def var cn# as int.

def var ex as char.

def var id# as int.

def var in# as int format "9".

def workfile fs# no-undo

field nam# as character format "x(33)"

field siz# as character format "x(33)" label "Fields"

field recs# as character format "x(33)" label "Records".

def var rec-cnt as character format "x(20)" label "Recs(diff)".

def stream out# .

def var com# as character format "x(77)".

def variable f-c as int..

output to /dev/null.

input from /tmp/rc-cnt .


create fs#.

set nam# recs# siz#.


input close.

output close.

create fs#. /* a blank */

assign nam# = "unknown"

siz# = "..."

recs# = "".

output to /tmp/fields.

for each _file where not _file-name begins "z_"

and not _file-name begins "_" no-lock:

find first fs# where fs#.nam# = _file-name no-lock no-error.

if not available fs# then find first fs# where fs#.nam# = "unknown" no-lock.

id# = 0.

for each _index of _file no-lock:

id# = id# + 1.


display caps(_file-name) format "x(14)"

string(id#) + " " + recs# format "x(20)" with no-label.

for each _field of _file no-lock:

in# = 0.

for each _index-field of _field no-lock:

in# = in# + 1 . /*_index-seq */.


if _extent = 0 then ex = "".

else ex = "[" + string(_extent) + "]".

display space in# when in# ne 0 space(0) _field-name format "x(14)"

space(0) "+" when _man space(0) _format + ex format "x(25)"

with no-label .

end. /* each field */

end. /* each file */

/* use this command to print the output in columns

on a laser printer

unix silent pr -6 -w180 -l62 -f /tmp/fields | lp -olpi=8 -ocpi=17 -ylandscape */

That was exciting... how about something similar for the indexes.

/* index formatting by bob chassels - all acknowledgment greatfully received

- no critism: 'cause I know that you could do it better */

/* remember that

"proutil livedatabase -C tabanalys > /tmp/rc-cnt" should be run. */

def workfile fs# no-undo

field nam# as character format "x(33)"

field siz# as character format "x(33)" label "Fields"

field recs# as character format "x(33)" label "Records".

def var in# as character format "x(60)" .

output to /dev/null.

input from /tmp/rc-cnt .


create fs#.

set nam# recs# siz#.


input close.

create fs#. /* a blank */

assign nam# = "unknown"

siz# = "..."

recs# = "".

output to /tmp/indexes.

for each _file no-lock:

find first fs# where fs#.nam# = _file-name no-lock no-error.

if not available fs# then find first fs# where fs#.nam# = "unknown" no-lock.

display caps(_file-name) format "x(15)"

recs# format "x(9)" label "Recs" with frame a side-label.

for each _index of _file no-lock:

for each _index-field of _index no-lock:

in# = "".

for each _field of _index-field no-lock:

in# = in# + /* string(_index-seq) + */ _field-name + ", ".



display "U" when _index._unique _index-name + ": " + in# format "x(78)" with frame b no-box.



/* the file /tmp/indexes can now be reviewed/printed using the pr command

as in the fields program: eg;

pr -3 -w180 -l62 -f /tmp/fields | lp -olpi=8 -ocpi=17 -ylandscape */